Kamis, 31 Maret 2016


Hello... WELCOME TO APRIL !! In Indonesia, we don't have SPRING but in the other place of the world APRIL means the beginning of SPRING, a lot of flower blooms and looks really beautiful.

I talked with my colleague this week mostly about the future, maybe because we must think about that carefully now. I also want that my FUTURE looks like SPRING (always), but during a year the season come and go. That also happen in our life, yeah our daily life.

I really love this quotes, I just found this on google after I typed FUTURE QUOTES. 

PAST can't determine your future if you have a will to change and you work really hard to get a better future. YOU NEED TO HAVE A BIG DREAM !!

To pursue your dream, you need to move on from your "dreaming" stage, the starting point might be hard, but that will be worth someday after you reach that point ! :) 

WE decide what we did in the past, so we also can change our FUTURE like we did in our past. WHY NOT ? you have your own FREE WILL to do that, but for my LIFE, I told to myself that I have that FREE WILL but I place my FUTURE in GOD, so I tried to asked GOD first, but that also depend on you too, I didn't say that you must to do that, because I do that and I love that. Love your life and being thankful for everything that you have now. That will help you to move forward to your future.

Yeah, I have a doubt about can I do that, can I have that, and a lot of question comes to my mind when I think about my FUTURE, so I need to prepare PLAN A-Z to everything that I already do now, because you can't control everything around you. YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR LIFE but PLEASE NEVER THINK TO CONTROL THE OTHER. They also have their own FUTURE and their plan so you can give a suggestion but not a command. 

I think I am really random now and the structure isn't that good. 
So, I think I need to stop now and I just want to say that you have a RIGHT to DREAM and GET your DREAM, sometime the way that you walk might be HARD but never give up and there must be a way is you try to find that :) 

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