Kamis, 31 Maret 2016


Hello... WELCOME TO APRIL !! In Indonesia, we don't have SPRING but in the other place of the world APRIL means the beginning of SPRING, a lot of flower blooms and looks really beautiful.

I talked with my colleague this week mostly about the future, maybe because we must think about that carefully now. I also want that my FUTURE looks like SPRING (always), but during a year the season come and go. That also happen in our life, yeah our daily life.

I really love this quotes, I just found this on google after I typed FUTURE QUOTES. 

PAST can't determine your future if you have a will to change and you work really hard to get a better future. YOU NEED TO HAVE A BIG DREAM !!

To pursue your dream, you need to move on from your "dreaming" stage, the starting point might be hard, but that will be worth someday after you reach that point ! :) 

WE decide what we did in the past, so we also can change our FUTURE like we did in our past. WHY NOT ? you have your own FREE WILL to do that, but for my LIFE, I told to myself that I have that FREE WILL but I place my FUTURE in GOD, so I tried to asked GOD first, but that also depend on you too, I didn't say that you must to do that, because I do that and I love that. Love your life and being thankful for everything that you have now. That will help you to move forward to your future.

Yeah, I have a doubt about can I do that, can I have that, and a lot of question comes to my mind when I think about my FUTURE, so I need to prepare PLAN A-Z to everything that I already do now, because you can't control everything around you. YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR LIFE but PLEASE NEVER THINK TO CONTROL THE OTHER. They also have their own FUTURE and their plan so you can give a suggestion but not a command. 

I think I am really random now and the structure isn't that good. 
So, I think I need to stop now and I just want to say that you have a RIGHT to DREAM and GET your DREAM, sometime the way that you walk might be HARD but never give up and there must be a way is you try to find that :) 

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016


This Friday was special because yesterday was Good Friday. I'll write this as a substitute to Friday Talks this week. I want to share what I talked with the other that I met yesterday. What I write now not exactly the same with what we talked but I summarized and I packed that talk with my own words. 

Good Friday is the time when we remember about the Cross that saved us 2000 years ago. I realized that every Good Friday I always heard the same story about what happen that time when Jesus need to upholds our sins upon the Cross. But, I always got something different about that stories. 

This year, I remember everything that happen in my life and that weren't always a great stories. I supposed that my life will be not that good enough for me because I left everything behind, and I never served Him anymore for this past 2-3 years (I think). But, I always felt that He never left me alone, and He gave His life for me not because I am good enough to have that LOVE but because I need that LOVE. He came to save the one who needed, not the one who think that they are good enough and they are HOLY. Yeah. No one perfect in this world, as long as we stayed in this WORLD I think that we have 99% opportunity to become a sinner. You won't become 100% Holy, you served God in the church and you came to the church everyday didn't means that you served God with all of your heart, because sometime that only because you NEED to do that and the part of your routine activity. I had been in that condition before, but when I wasn't in that point of view I learn a lot not only how to have a same channel with God frequent but also I learn that my life isn't my life but that's God ! I am not saying that I am holy enough, I also always said that it's real, and it's the way that God prepare for me ? yeah I am not that CHURCH people that really decide everything to the CHURCH, I never remember the pastor name and I never want to come to the church only because someone who served there. 

I also quite picky with where I will go (to church). but God told me that the one that you need to meet when you are there is not someone who lead the service but the ONE who control the atmosphere, which means that not because the situation, or how great the one who served that day but GOD the one who let you felt that kind of FEELING, and you can't get that moment  if you didn't want to feel that, what you felt is determine with your own heart not the CHURCH.

Jesus gave His lives to save us, not for nothing. I didn't say that GOD want something but He planed everything that will happen in our life to glorify His NAME, sometime we did because we want to the other know about us, not about the one behind us, God, we did with our power not with GOD POWER, I saw that video like a lot of times about when Jesus need to be there on the CROSS and that must be hard for Him too, because He came as 100% Human & 100% God, He also have that kind of feeling like us. But, He still gave His life to us. No one will do that once more to us, especially in this WORLD condition. 

Place your trust in HIM and He won't ever let you alone, TRUST me ! I felt that like a hundred times. I am not that holy, kind, and nice person but He always lead everything in my life. I tried to obey with HIS COMMAND but yeah sometime I didn't do that and I think I often disobeying that. But, God never let me down and He always around me, I felt that :) :) So, I just want to say that no one perfect in this WORLD, the only one who PERFECT is our God who created the earth and everything in this universe. Never forget about Him and never said that you're not good enough and you're not deserved to feel His LOVE. Everyone have their own right to FEEL HIS LOVE. The way that you choose also depend on you, because you have a FREE WILL, but keep on God tracks.

Have a nice day ^^ and Happy Weekend :)

Kamis, 24 Maret 2016


Hari ini, saya cukup terkejut dengan berita yang ada di media masa dan semua jenis sosial media, miris sekali melihat hal tersebut karena saya sudah berpikir bahwa masyarakat sudah pintar dengan melakukan demo hanya dengan berhenti beroperasi dan baik-baik di jalan.

Saya adalah salah seorang yang senang untuk menggunakan kendaraan umum, mulai dari yang kecil naik angkot, mikrolet, bajaj, bemo, transjakarta, dan commuter line bahkan TAXI walaupun agak mahal. Tidak jarang juga saya duduk di depan dan ngobrol sama si bapak-bapak pengemudi itu. Saya juga suka untuk menggunakan aplikasi online dikala mendesak dan butuh untuk sampai dengan cepat, karena dengan kendaraan umum yang dapat saya tempuh dalam waktu 15 menit menjadi 30 menit hingga 1 jam jika dihitung dengan waktu ngetemnya dan juga kemacetan ketika sama-sama balap balapan cari penumpang.

Saya akan mencoba menjabarkan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari masing-masing kendaraan umum yang pernah saya gunakan.

1. Commuter Line
Kereta adalah salah satu alternatif yang paling saya minati karena cenderung lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan yang lain, dan lebih SAFE karena kalo ada demo ataupun apapun itu orang ga bisa berhentiin kereta. Tapiii.... tidak ada yang sempurna, untuk mendapatkan fasilitas yang nyaman anda harus pintar dalam mencari jadwal yang enak dimana anda tidak perlu berdesak-desakan, yaitu kalo pagi itu pagi banget dan sore kalo bisa kejar yang feeder. Kebetulan yang saya ketahui lebih banyak hanya bekasi dan bogor jadi penggunaan jasa kereta feeder itu sangat lebih baik dibandingkan dengan berdesak desakan, namun feeder juga cenderung lebih lama, misalkan sebenernya udah ada 2 kereta lewat tapi dia belom jalan juga, karena feeder biasanya hanya pergi sesuai jadwal

Kelebihan :
Cepat, murah, nyaman (walaupun kadang AC boongan dan buka kaca), dan terjadwal.
Kekurangan :
kalo udah ada satu kereta aja yang ketahan semuanya bisa ketahan dan bisa parah banget bisa 30 menit hingga 1 jam hanya untuk ditahan saja, pada jam berangkat dan pulang kantor itu harus siap mental dan siap fisik karena antara anda akan di dorong atau anda akan memaksa mendorong karena tidak bisa keluar dari kereta.

2. Mikrolet (warna biru, biasanya dari kijang atau panther lama)
Mikrolet ini emang agak miris, karena pertama hobi banget ngetem, tapi kalo ga ngetem juga kalian dia ga ada penumpangnya, satu tips mengenai mikrolet yang bisa saya berikan misalkan melewati titik-titik yang sebenernya harusnya ga macet tapi ga gerak udah turun aja terus naik lagi di ujung jalannya walapun mesti bayar 2x atau ga coba pahami kalo dia lewat jalan pintas, jangan shock kalo tiba-tiba si supir melewati jalan yang aneh selama anda tidak sendirian

Kelebihan :
mudah ditemui dan spacenya lebih luas daripada angkot.
selain itu selalu dapet duduk, ga ada kata berdiri jadi PASTI duduk.
Tarifnya pasti, dan tidak terlalu suka marah kaya sopir angkot.
Saya merasa di mikrolet lebih jarang saya melihat pencopetan daripada di angkot.
Kekurangan :
karena terlalu banyak, akhirnya banyak yang ga dapet penumpang, karena itu jadi sering banget ngetem dan berebutan sama supir lainnya kalo ada penumpang, akhirnya lumayan memacu jantung juga apa lagi kalo duduk di depan.

3. Angkot (yang warnanya merah)
Angkot dan mikrolet itu cenderung lumayan mirip hanya saja ukurannya lebih kurus kalo si angkot ini, kebanyakan angkot itu yang bawa kaya masih mas-mas muda gitu, jadi biasanya emang lebih ugal-ugalan bawanya dan bisa tiba-tiba di take-over sama temennya ditengah jalan.

Kelebihan :
Nyali si supirnya gede, jadi kalo butuh cepet-cepet mereka bisa ngebut gila selip sana sini (mungkin karena saya hanya lihat di daerah bekasi, pulo gadung, kelapa gading dan bogor).
Sama seperti mikrolet, angkot juga PASTI duduk.
Kekurangan :
Tingkat kriminalitas sangat tinggi, sering sekali terjadi pencurian dengan berbagai jenis tinggi.

4. Trans Jakarta
Dengan adanya TRANS JAKARTA sekarang keliling jakarta hanya 3500 saja, namun sayangnya busnya masih sering lama dan info yang tertera tidak sesuai dengan yang tertulis, selain itu jembatannya juga panjang sekali, pada jam tertentu juga lebih banyak di PHPinnya karena ada bebereapa bus yang warnanya sama, mungkin kalo lebih beragam warnanya lebih mudah untuk dibedakan jadi tidak terlalu PHP juga :)

Sayangnya untuk kendaraan yang besar dan murah spt TJ dan CL itu banyak penumpangnya dan budaya untuk membiarkan yang keluar duluan belum terbina dengan baik di dalam diri masing-masing setiap penumpang sehingga akhirnya berebutanlah antara yang masuk dan keluar.

Kadang karena beberapa alasan tersebut akhirnya orang-orang beralih ke KOPAJA dan METROMINI yang akan saya ceritakan berikut ini.

Jenis transportasi ini juga bertarif murah hanya 4000 kemana aja itu mau jauh dekat tarifnya SAMA. sayangnya, emang kadang terlalu ugal-ugalan dan kurang tertib sehingga kadang penumpang juga deg degan takut kenapa-napa apalagi kalo udh berebutan penumpang.

Kelebihan :
Bisa berhenti dimana saja dan kapan saja, sehingga tidak terlalu jauh untuk jalan

6. Bemo & Bajaj

Sekarang sudah mulai sulit untuk ditemui, kalo Bajaj sering kasih harga yang ga kira-kira sedangkan kalo Bemo sendiri harus sampai penuh juga walaupun harganya tidak terlalu mahal juga layaknya angkot, tarif tergantung dengan jarak tempuh.

7. Ojek Online
Dahulu sangatlah murah dan mudah, tapi sekarang sudah lebih mahal dan drivernya pun kalo lagi promo akhirnya males ambil penumpang. yah, tapi kalo dapet sih biasanya sih baik-baik aja, walaupun yah pernah sekali ada pengalaman buruk juga, tapi okay lah. Namanya juga manusia, tidak ada yang sempurna.

8. Ojek Konvensional
Harganya sering ga WAJAR, waktu itu yang paling baru sih karena kereta waktu itu anjlok terus lupa bawa hape yang bisa pesen online, akhirnya bertanyalah dan menawarkan harga 45 000 padahal kalo pake ojek online hanya 12 000 dan pas saya akhirnya naek taxi hanya 50 000, karena emang jaraknya ga sejauh itu, JADI itu merupakan salah satu kesalahan mereka kenapa akhirnya seperti itu, bisanya sih itu driver yang muda, kalo sudah agak tua biasanya kasih harganya masih bisa diterima dan masih bisa di tawar, kalo ojek konvensional misalkan kita sok-sok tau harga nih pas bayar kurang dari ekspektasi dia yah, malah di ocehin dan disuruh bayar sisanya :(

9. TAXI 
Salah satu hal yang paling saya benci dari TAXI adalah ketika ada penumpang tapi malah ditolak dan ga mau pasang argo dan tarifnya juga GILA !! masa dari sarinah ke GI aja itu 30 000 mintanya akhirnya pakelah si biru dan hanya 15 000. bayangin itu harganya 2x lipat loh. Tapi kalo pake argo dan jam macet itu rasanya seperti membuang uang secara percuma karena argonya terus jalan. Yah kalo untuk jarak dekat pake argo mungkin okay, kalo jarak jauh entah sih ya. Tapi emang preferablenya pake yang biru itu.

Dari kesembilan transportasi umum yang saya jabarkan diatas, tidak ada kendaraan umum yang sempurna, pasti ada kelemahan dan kelebihannya tapi bedanya kalo yang sekarang itu ada yang mau berubah menjadi lebih baik seperti CL, TJ dan beberapa yang sudah menerapkan dengan kenyamanan yang lebih baik. Jika mau lebih banyak peminatnya improvelah menjadi lebih baik, yang sangat terlihat penambahan jumlah penumpang sih CL yah, banget banget itu, dari awalnya mereka berpikir apaan sih kereta, yang banyak ayamnya yah sampe sekarang orang kalo ada kereta akan sangat memilih kereta dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya.

Jadi menurut saya DEMO dengan cara yang baik itu memang perlu, namun tidak dengan cara yang anarkis seperti dengan membakar ban, merusak mobil, dkknya yang merugikan berbagai pihak, karena itu juga tidak memberikan dampak kepada anda yang melakukan demo.

Jadi BIJAKlah dalam melakukan sesuatu dan berinovasilah, jangan cuma menuntut saja.

Sekian dari saya, jika ada opini dari kalian saya sangat terbuka dengan opini kalian, karena setiap orang memiliki tanggapan dan pemikiran yang berbeda dan kita bisa saling bertukar pikiran juga. :)

Semoga Bermanfaat :)

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016


Today, I will write about that after I talked with a lot of people around me. I think I need to change the title to WEEKEND TALKS because I think I always post this on Saturday or Sunday.

Okay, I will started with the stories why I used this topic. I have some of my friend who really work really hard, then I saw a news about the minimum wages and yeah a lot of things that OVER or something that you always said that not enough for you.

1. Salary
The topic about how to manage your salary is needed. You won't ever say enough if you spent more than what you have. First, you need to place your saving because if someday you need to buy or spent  REALLY big amount your money you can say that your salary is enough for you. It doesn't matter about how much but how you manage that money and you need to have a plan at lease for a year like what you need to buy, where you want to go, and the other thing that might be happen. yeah we need a money and we need more to spent more but that will be happen if you work harder and you can prove that with your work not by your mouth. 

2. Works
WORK HARD doesn't mean that you need to work everyday, every time, and every where. You also need to say enough to your works. I didn't say that you don't need to work hard but give a little time to your body to rest, you also need to have an extra energy. you can meet up with your friends and you don't need to thing about your works for a while or if you have extra time you can go to some where that you want to go. That can make your days better and you can do your best after rest for a while.  

3. Spending
Because we work we got our salary, after we got that money sometimes we thought that we need to buy something at least to reward myself to work that hard. I think that also needed to reward yourself for working that hard but you need to say enough to spent your money that you already have a lot of that kind of things, like a cloth or a bag or a shoes yeah everything that already overloaded your house. Buy what you need to buy and used the things that you have.

I couldn't think anything about what I need to say enough to. if you have something in your mind maybe you can share with me on this comment box below or send me an email to fitatha08@gmail.com maybe we can talk about anything later.

:) have a nice weekend guys, and thank you for reading :)

Jumat, 11 Maret 2016


Yesterday, I had a talks with my colleague about his life :) yeah that really interesting when you heard about someone life and sometimes that make you feel so greatful about your life, maybe sometime you compare with another stories that you heard before from someone else who is older than you :')

He talked a lot about his past job and that really amazing, I heard that before from TV or I read that online but I never met with someone who really tried everything before to have something to live :') This are what I learnt from him about his stories yesterday.

1. Life is never easy, but you need to enjoy that time so that will be easier.
yeah, I agree with that too, because I think I need to have my own not only because I need to be something but, I really love to do that. But, a lot of things might be happen on your life, sometimes you might be fail, sometime you might be feel tired, or might be you think that not above your expectation. But, let it go and leave that :) You don't know your future now, when you give u your story will be end there, but when you enjoy that the times will be flies so fast.

2. Being greatful with everything that you have now !
I think I know that feeling because I ever been on that kind of situation, when I need to think a lot of time before I brought something and I know that I can't buy anything easily.The technology and the times bring us to more hedonism, sometimes we have our own desired to have everything that look fancy, but we didn't have our money to buy that (yeah sometime I felt like that), when you see everyone around you they already had what you want. But, to become someone that will be said enough you need to compare and remember that maybe in your community you can't have what you want but when you open the other side of your community you can find the other who think that "YOU" is better than them and they want something that you have too. 

3. You are blessed to be BLESS !
I am not saying about any religion now, but I agree that when you have something you need to bless anyone because your money or talent won't be enough only for you but that might be enough for anyone else. 

4. Try everything when you are YOUNG so you have something to tell later to your child.
I think that something that you need to find out what you can tell to your child someday, I think not only your child but for the next generation around you, yeah that feels like that I am the next generation below him and I can heard about that story too because I never know about that. Because that memories will be still remain on our life but the next generation won't know about that later.
But, when you grew up and you have your own family or your own life that really busy you can't tried anything as long as you want that time. so the other thing that I can say is TIME is something that you can't bring back and TIME is PRECIOUS.

5. Have a really good relationship with the other.
Being success not only because you have your own skill or you are so good enough to said that, but sometime that can be because you have a really good relationship with anyone else. Might be you're not smart enough but if you really want to try and you did your best someone can see that. it's not only because you want something with the other but how you maintain that relationship with the other. Because sometime you can have a really good time when you play and have a lot of time that you spent together, but when you already need to move out to another place that relationship won't be still remain as same as before. But, I didn't say that you need to keep in contact with the upper class but maybe the one who is the closest to you. But, if you can manage that well still keep that up with everyone else :) because you never know what will be happen in the future right :)

The last thing that I learnt is LIFE ISN'T ABOUT GIVE AND TAKE, but there are another things that you need to count, being honest and sincere with the other is still #1 in my life, so never thing about what the other will give to you, but what you can give to the other :)

Selasa, 08 Maret 2016


Yesterday, I had a chat with my junior who came to our place where we did our internship last year. Yeah, time flies really fast and we already saw any update about that. We really missed that time, yeah we were the first one, we didn't know anything and we need to survive. But, everyone help us. Our first day in Bangkok was GET LOST day and our days in THAILAND most of them we lost our way #lol. Kasetsart University is too big if you walk and get lost and didn't know where to to, because we couldn't remember our dorm name that quite hard for our first day, our dorm name is puttharaksa and I just remember that before we moved out from that dorm :') 

To communicate with them is really interesting for us, because a "little" English and a lot of body language ^^ the hardest things is to borrow the bicycle for the first time and we didn't get anything :') the one who stayed on the gate couldn't speak English :( and we can't speak Thai. 

A lot of stories happen that time, not so bad but yeah everything make me being thankful, because if I never stayed there I wouldn't have a Thai friends from the other faculty, I never know about Home Coming Day party that end on 2 a.m and on our first day, we wouldn't know about SPORT DAY and another PARTY that were HELD on our university. 

I really miss that time damn MUCH :( and if we didn't stay there we wouldn't ever know about viphavadi road and ngamwonwan 1-3 :') how to go to KU books, KU home, and another place to visit such as TOP, Pantip, and the other place around there. Because that places are too far from our pahonyothin dorm :') and the last one is ROYAL PROJECT SHOP !!

I hope that I can visit KU again someday, to play of course. #lol 
doing a research is FUN but playing around is better !! :) 

Baduy Tribe : Part 2

Yey !! I came back early and tomorrow is a holiday so I can post this article now !! :)

So, I'll continue from the last stories that I told you before (you can check that on this link : http://lifelovelaughstories.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/baduy-tribe-other-side-of-indonesia.html) 

So, I slept that night without any electricity and without anything. yeah. I used my bag as a pillow and my jacket as my blanket ^^ If you want to sleep better I suggest to use a sleeping bag :) :)

So, I woke up late, we talked before that we will woke up at 5 but the rain is falling down falling down *singing* yup. We thought that we couldn't go to anywhere but we ate our breakfast and decided to walk to gazebo !! during that tracking I saw another village from outer Baduy and someone who did their job.

I tried to walked faster and faster because the path that we walked is too hard when we will be back from that gazebo, yeah I didn't prepare anything for that kind of tracking ^^ But, I did that !!! with my last effort and used the headband from inner Baduy as my bag ^^ 

Gazebo is the name of the village in outer Baduy, we need to walked and passed 3 village before this village, this village is the nicer and tidier that the other village and we just walked at the bridge as we did at the first day ^^ the rain were fall again T.T and I need to protect my camera for sure ^^

So, after we took a photo we walked back, but our guide from Inner Baduy offered a bunch of Durian for us, but I couldn't eat that, so I walked first because I know I can't climb that way too fast as I did before ^^ This time I walked with my mate, Edde and Mr. Taufik (aka Papa) because his son/daughter age is exactly the same as me. But, they walked faster and I used a sandal but the path are slippery so I took off my sandals and tried to walked like the other inner Baduy Tribe who never used a foot ware. But, that paths were too hard for me, I stepped a lot of stone and I couldn't stand, so I used my sandals again after we walked on the downhill. 

I finally arrived safely at our home and clean up with my wet tissue ^^ after that we were back to the train station. Yeah, We didn't walked that much and we didn't do a lot of things and we couldn't go to inner Baduy because they have a ritual that during that timer the other couldn't come. We can go to inner Baduy on next May. Maybe I'll be back to Baduy once more because I want to go to inner Baduy as well. 

I'll update more about the FACTs about Baduy Tribe later. please wait for my next update ^^

Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

BADUY TRIBE : the other side of Indonesia || Part 1

This is my stories when I went to Baduy last week ^^ yeah I booked that trip alone and I brave my self to came after I feel too tired that I just got a job so I need to adapt with that condition. But, I am not feel lonely or alone there. So, let's heard my stories from now. :)

I booked a travel for the end of month trip, I need to arrived at Duri station at 7 a.m and the first train from my home was 5.17 a.m so I woke up really early and I didn't want to spent my money for nothing. So, I arrived at 6.30 a.m at Duri Station #iamsafe BUT, YEAH I AM ALONE that time. I felt so AWKWARD with the other but I need to adapt so quickly because I'll be there with all of them :") and that time was my first time used local train, I never think that I will used that before because I known that train not so clean as commuter line and without air conditioner. But, I was wrong that train quite good, they also had a charging area for your phone, so I prepared my phone because in Baduy they didn't have any electricity :( 

Someone was late that time, so they take another train that will go to that station, they spent 5 000 for a ticket but they didn't need to buy a new ticket because they had that ticket but they need to go to Tanah Abang Station and that train is better that the one that I take :( 

the train arrived after 2.5 hours because its stop at every station :( and we eat our lunch at Padang Restaurant ! yeah we ate there. we talk with each other and know more. ^^ after we ate we take another long journey with a van that without air conditioner and also the driver is worst than "angkot" driver in Jakarta :( 

The van is look like this van, someone can sit at the top of the van :") that time the "kenenek" someone who manage that van was sit at the top :") the road is really really bad but the driver still drove really really fast :( that really made me feel not so well :( :( So, I tried to sleep but I can so I saw the road and I found a really big bigg biggg paddy field there...  It was take around 2-3 hours to get to Baduy tribe, but we didn't stop at ciboleger (terminal) because we change our route. So, we will went to root bridge first.
So, we wait for the next that came late to join us and we met with Baduy Tribe before we left for walk, yeah we can left our belonging and they will help us to bring that but I didn't know about the road condition so I am quite confident to bring my own belonging. But, the other left their belonging ^^ So, we start after everyone come and most of us is a ladies ~ yeah I never imagine that this trip will be dominance with a ladies and they look stronger than a male :p 

Baduy trip that help us to bring our belonging, the one who is whiter is Sapri and the other one is Fulung. ^^ they just 19 years old. They are so young. But, they didn't know for sure because they just believed what their mom said about their age ^^ So, I also not sure about that because they have their own calendar in inner baduy. FYI, the one who guide our trip is inner baduy, but we can't get in because they have like a new year celebration for 3 months until next may. But, the one who can get in is only Indonesian.

The Bridge || Traditional Bridge with a wood
 We found the first bridge, and we think that we arrived, but that not the bridge that we want, because we need to walk at lease 2 hours to get there and the way to go there is quite upside down. without any preparation, I am quite shock because I can't say that I can do that. But, I tried not to give up, talk with that Baduy Tribe and Drank a lot of mineral water, because that day was too hot so I sweating a lot :( So, we moved forward and after a long way journey we arrived at that "Jembatan Akar" aka "Roots Bridge"

Yey !! I arrived that safely :') and we only take a picture there and go away to the next village that we will stay for that night, this bridge only for 2 people so we need to take our turn to take a photo. I crossed that bridge because I took a picture for everyone. yeah that quite scary when you stayed there for a long time and when someone come before the other left.. yeah because I stayed in the center of the brigde :') and I am not that so adventurous !! I came because I am curious about how they live and who they are. But, during that trip I know more about them and they are not that "TRADITIONAL" they know more but they can't used that. Not because they didn't know or they can't buy but because they won't used that.

we walk to another village to find a way :)
The village that we passed before || we back to our start point :(
Because we were the first group that come to that way we were lost, the baduy tribe also never take that way but that way is too hard for us as a visitor, the can used that but we tried to go back to our start point, yeah we can't see anything than that bridge :( We come back and take another van to go to ciboleger and stayed there :') we came and the rain were come and that rain is harder and harder. We take a bath at villager house and we charge our phone with power bank. After everyone finished to take a bath we ate our dinner. this is the menu.

Yeah our dinner is not so fancy and not look like a really luxury like a rooftop restaurant in Jakarta, but I ate that really thankful for everything. The menu is a soup, fried egg, and an anchovy with a "SAMBAL" :) I also asked Fulung and he said that the only thing that they need to fulfill is to eat everyday. It's not about the money that they have is enough but at lease they need to eat :) :) 

That made me think twice about that about when I will say that my money is enough for me :') but I never said that enough because I really want to have this and that. I think I need to visit this kind of village to reflect my life :) and I recommended that you need to visit this village at lease once in your lifetime :D 

I'll continue with my next day trip and what I learn from Baduy Tribe next time. Please wait for that. I didn't have a lot of time today, but I want to share before I forget about where I went before. #lol  


Today, I'll write a story about the opportunity. Every time, I think we have an opportunity that we can take or left that ! Everyone also have their own consideration to take or leave that.

Today, I would like to share that opportunity won't come twice, so take that as long as you can everything that you do will be more meaningful. Sometime, I think I need to take that opportunity but I think that too risky or I think that I can't. The other time, I think I regret that I didn't take that opportunity but I know that I'll get another this as a substitute ^^ yeah, I still have some regret because might be that I won't have that opportunity again. Life is about the path that you choose during a way to your goal, that might be look like an intersection that have an opposite direction, but sometime you can turn around at the next intersection and go to the other direction if you want. 

I believe that if I want I'll try my best to have another opportunity, maybe not exactly the same but something that look quite similar. The opportunity that you leave behind might be good or might be bad. I also don't know about that because I never did that too. But, if you can't get that things again create your own opportunity !!

I am done for today :') not too long .. yeah I know this time is too short I think but I will update more about my trips tomorrow :)

Kamis, 03 Maret 2016


Hello, I think I really late to post this update but I really want to share what I talked with my friends last Friday. we talked a lot about our life, yeah I am the youngest so I tried to listened more then I talked. 

You won't ever say enough with anything that you have now, but one of my friend said that's true, but you also need to save some of that money that you get for your future. If you have a lot of money that doesn't mean that your life is awesome. You can buy a things but you can't buy any memories that you left behind. Live your life now !!

Life is about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Everything that will happen next is your own choice, so make a right choice so you won't regret that later. Life is not only about how much that you have, how success you are, or how many friends that you have. Life is about what you want to do with someone that you want to be and become just the way you are, just be yourself. Every event that you made or will you do later will remain for the rest of your life, so used that time wisely, freely, and thankful to God. 

It's also not only about the religion, but also how you can do as a creature to make your creator happy :) He made a plan but He didn't say that you can't choose whatever that you want, but do that only to glorify His name. 

I think I write too random today, I am quite tired because of today traffic, but I want to update because it's too late for my Friday Talks because tomorrow is another Friday :').

I'll try to update soon about my trip to Baduy Tribe last week and another Friday Talks tomorrow :) see ya later !! please wait for my update soon !!