Kamis, 12 September 2019


I am 26 years old and I don't know anything about love relationship >.<
So, after turn to 26 years old I need to think again about love, relationship, and marriage.
and I want to talk about flirting this time.
What is the definition of flirting?
Behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions.
By those definition I think that most of my friends did that intentionally or not.
Is it good or not?
Actually, for someone as old as me this kind of relationship is not good.
Especially if you are considering to get your own partner for marriage.
But, I think flirting is good for your mental health because you don't need to be serious about that and have fun with the opposite sex friends.
what I hate the most about flirting is "if you do that to a lot of people"
That's insane. I know that your own option but that makes you look cheap!
And what I think that's normal for me that might means different to the other person
I tried to read the wikipedia about that.
But, I always do that for my close friend and if we are close enough I think that's normal. I didn't do that just to normal friends. I gave them but without any notes like only the greetings or something like that.

So, what do you think if someone flirting with you and you take it as a signal or you take it seriously?
Sorry to say, but it only will hurt one side.
So, maybe after you are getting older please stop doing that flirting to your opposite sex friends.

I tried to make a barrier now to my male and female friend.
I have a tendency to be kind only in a special occasion and more close to female friends :D
why ?
I hate being someone who give something who would love to take something in return.
I don't like that and I hate to play with my emotion.

I was thinking that I like someone but after I thought about that I only have a small joyful feeling because I can have some feeling to hide and those feeling can dominate even if I don't like that person in real life. yeah, I just used them to overcome the other feeling that I have now, and I think I felt better when I have this feeling than when I don't have someone to be tease for. hahaha.

sorry, but I think I need to stop being someone like that.
I really cannot determine my feeling really well and I think love relationship is also not a part of my life for now. hahaha.

I decide to not have a boyfriend till 2020, but I think it will be fun to have someone to lean on ^^

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