Rabu, 19 Februari 2020

Coronavirus & Indonesia

Jadi kemaren itu smpet nyari" juga apakah benar klo Indonesia emang zero case di wabah coronavirus ini? Soalnya negara tetangga aja udh banyak yang kena.

Nah, jadi karena banyak hal spekulasi dan meme yang ada di social media. Akhirnya saya mencoba mencari berita nih ttg kasus SARS dan MERS di Indonesia. Ternyata, diketahui ada warga Indonesia yang terkena penyakit tersebut, tapi emang masih di bawah 10 dan itu juga krn mereka di pusat wabah tsbt.

Nah, jadi bukannya orang Indo kebal nih sama wabah penyakit ini. Tapi kalo di lihat case nya, sepertinya karena daerah tropis, karena pas cek sama temen yang di Thailand juga hal tsbt cuma terjadi di pusat kita dan di Bangkok. Jadi saya lupa baca dimana tapi ini penyakit emang ada hubungannya sama suhu yang rendah.

Kalo misalkan di cek nih yah, coronavirus ini sebenernya ada dimana" bahkan di sakit flu biasa, bahkan kemaren sempet cek judul jurnal bahkan bisa ditemukan di case gastro juga. Hahaha. Nah, jadi sebenernya ini adalah virus yang memang ada di tubuh manusia.

Nah, kenapa sih di Indonesia bisa ga ada? Sejauh ini tidak ada yg menjelaskan secara scientific sih mengenai hal ini hanya ada di berita" yang ku juga tak yakin apakah itu benar atau tidak. Tapi, mungkin yah mungkin ini salah satunya. Imunitas orang Indonesia itu sangat tinggi dan dosis obat di Indonesia juga kalo misalkan saya bandingin sama di Cina yah, itu tinggi banget.

Nah, dgn sndirinya jadinya itu immunitasnya udh kebal dan meningkat, bahkan mgkn sudah resistance juga. Hahaha. Orang Indo tuh kalo sakit bukannya makan obat malah makin di makan sumber penyakit nya, misalkan udh tau nih batuk. Makan aja terus tuh kerupuk ato Gorengan wlpn udh tau batuk. Hahaha.

Nah, mgkn krn itu juga akhirnya orang Indo memiliki mekanisme thd penyakit lebih kuat dari pada yang lain. 

Ini hanya spekulasi yah, ga ada dasarnya juga. Kalo misalkan kenapa di pusat nya jadi ttp bisa terkena, hal ini krn klo di pusat wabah kan emang intensity nya naik nih. Nah, si bakteri ato virus itu mungkin punya si quorum sensing gitu, jadi kalo rame baru mereka bekerja. Hahaha. 

Jadi walaupun begitu, tetap lah berjaga" walaupun mungkin yah penyakit ini ga se berapa kalo di banding kan dengan TBC, malaria, demam berdarah, sakit jantung, dkknya itu. Belom lagi yang diabetes krn kebanyakan minum Manis juga. Hahaha. Tapi, akan lebih baik mencegah dari pada mengobati. 

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

what valentine means to me

Valentine Days - a sweet romance for couple, a dream of chocolate, flower, and love.

I always bought my own chocolate, flower, and my heart. I think I guard that too tight even hard for me to open my heart to the other. 

This year, 
I thought it will be different, 
YEAH, I am not thinking that I need to celebrate valentine and I only saw the euphoria from my Instagram. I think that just a habit in Indonesia to give chocolate to your friends during valentine that makes that chocolate is means nothing. 

What is LOVE?
Why people need love?

After the outbreak, I was thinking that I need someone for my old days, so I need to have my own family. But, as the time goes by, I think I am enjoying doing this and that and actually what I did now is not love. It is only a kind gesture to repay what someone do for me. Hahaha. 

Senin, 10 Februari 2020

Our Story

Awalnya gw pikir ini akan menjadi kisah romance, tapi sepertinya tidak. Hahaha. Semakin kesini gw semakin merasa yah kita terlalu berbeda dan dunia kita bagikan langit dan bumi. Hahaha. Mungkin yah cara kita berteman aja yang berbeda.

Dia dengan dunia dan teman wanitanya. 
Gw dengan dunia dan teman pria gw.

Yah kami serupa tapi tak sama
Lahir di bulan yang sama tahun yang sama hanya berbeda 2 hari. Berada di lingkungan yang sangat berbeda. Kalo di bilangggg. Kisah kami berawal dari bingkisan yang emang karena berlebihan.

Sejujurnya gw udh tau dia dari pertama kali masuk kuliah, cuma ga pernah ngomong aja. Bahkan ketemu pun ga pernah nyapa. Hahaha. Begitu lah hidup kami. Akhirnya beli kamera sama dia, itu juga super awkward sih.. Soalnya emang gw cuma mau ganti aja sama yg lebih bagusan aja gituuuu. Terus abis itu lebih deket karena satu temen yang emang hobi fotografi juga. Dan harusnya itu jadi tahun terakhir dia krn akan lulus kannn. Ya udah lah karena berpikir ga akan bertemu selamanya lagi akhirnya ya udh lah ya kan ksih ya brengan kan yaa, dan akhirnya gw buat lah tuh buku, jujur itu biasa aja. Gw sgt sering buat kaya gitu buat orang.

Entah dia itu berlebih ato gimanaaaa tp dia sangat terharuuu. Hahaha. Akhirnya dia bilang lah klo dia lanjut lagi master disini. Nah, gw udh mikir ohh mungkin gw suka kali yah sama dia. Jadi, akhirnya gw memikirkan ya udh nanti dia ultah gw tlp lah yaaa. Hahaha. 

Bermula dari situ mungkin akhirnya gw baper, tp emang pria malam bar dan teman wanitanyaaa. Ku sptnya tidak sanggup, awalnya sempet jealous sih sama nih satu cewe, trus kayaknya nih cewe juga suka sama dia. Kan namanya juga gw ga enakan dan basa basi busuk kan yaaa. Akhirnya gw berteman lah sama dia krn dia tiba" nge follow gw di Instagram dluan krn gw kepo apakah mereka bersama. Hahahaha.

Singkat cerita, akhirnya sudah lah itu cerita. Sempet kaya gimana sih, apalagi setelah itu kaya tiba" ketemu tuh kaya super awkward gituuuu. Tapi setelah itu normal lagi sihh. Tapi yah mgkn stlh itu juga gw jdinya kaya oh ya udh lah. Gw juga ga se tertarik itu sama dia, apalagi dia ga banget gituuuu kan... Yah pokoknya bukan another half lah kaya terlalu sama tp kami di dunia yang berbeda. Hahaha.

Singkat cerita, tuh cewe balik lah ke negaranya. Awalnya udh mau blg ya udh lah ya. Tp nih cewe nulis surat ke gw, makin ga enak kan yah. Ya udh gw anter lah dia sampe taksi, eh tuhh cowo jga bersama dengan diaaa. Hahaha. Oh iya, sehari sblmnya juga dia makan bersama. Ngajakin sih tp awkward bgt ga sihh. Dan smpe skrg gw ga tau hubungan mereka apa tp sptnya mutualisme kokk. Hahaha. Yg satu butuh yg satu ngasih yg di butuhin. Hahaha.

Okay, berlalu lah ituu dan gw pergi ke Lijiang buat jalan" kan yah liburan gituuuu. Terus wabah ini menyerangggg. Yah si coronavirus. Terus emang krn kita selalu masak berlebih dan rame juga kan. Jd klo bahannya dr gw emang gw sisa in buat dia sedikit. Tp klo bahan gw doang yaaa.

Ternyata entah kenapa dia jadi baik gitu ksih makanan sama gw krn emang wktu itu gw mau plg ke Indo juga kannn. Tp yah emang yah ini mgkn salah gw juga kali yah baik sama orang. Tp beneran ga ada maksud. Tp jadi lah gw ga enak kan karena dia men supply makanan gw selama gw sblm plg, setelah pesawat gw di cancel dan setelah itu. Mgkn klo ga di masakin mungkin gw akan di kamar aja krn badan gw super drop abis dr Bandara itu. Hahahaha. Tp yah itu kok gw malah merasa biasa aja yaaa. Abis itu setiap hari kita jd chat wlpn yah kdang cuma blg gw anterin makanan yah. Dan ini Cara gw supaya klo masak cuma 2 hari sekali. Hahahah. Ga ada lagi motivasi yang lain. Dan lagian klo gw masak buat sndiri juga kdang sayang gtu. Yg di cuci bnyak tp cuma buat sndiri. Hahaha.

Kalo yang denger sih ini super sweet banget, kapan lagi di masakin sama orang yg super cuek begitu yg sama idup nya aja mungkin ga peduli. Hahaha. Tp yah emang dia begitu kayaknya sama semua cewe ya udh lah yaaa. Hahaha. Mgkn itu krn tanda dia ga enak Hati aja gw baik sama dia. 

Tapi apakah ini jodoh?
Tapi ini bener" bagaikan langit dan bumi, hitam dan putih, pokoknya dunia kita beneran berbeda nya 180 derajat lah.

Dulu gw mikir mgkn gw suka sama dia krn gw bsa mikir di masa depan klo gw sama dia gimana, tp sekarang kaya ga ada pikirkan kaya begitu lagi, bahkan klo coba mikir yang ada penolakan di otak ini.

Ini adalah cerita kami yang complicated. 

Jumat, 07 Februari 2020

Ku tak takut Virus Corona, yang ku takut itu Biomedical Engineering nya CQU

Setelah aku berpikir panjang,
Ini masih kembali ke cerita Corona virus. Kali ini aku menulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Hahaha

Setelah melewati fase ini ternyata yang ku takuti bukan virusnya tapi Biomedical Engineering di CQU. Kenapa? Setelah gw bertapa 3 hari di kamar nih ya, yang gw takut itu check control dr college dan selain itu ketika di ingat" lagi penyakit atau gejala hidup 3 tahun di biomedical itu mirip sama Virus Corona ini

1. Demam
Ini bisa di sebabkan oleh lab berlebih, makan tidak teratur, dan stress berlebih dari professor
2. Batuk & Pilek
Bahkan katanya wajar untuk punya penyakit ini selama 2-3 bulan.
3. Gastro
Kembali ke alasan no pertama
4. Sesak napas
Bisa terjadi krn gastro maupun tagisan berlebih atau sakit nya hati yang tak dapat di keluarkan

Demikian post ini saya sampaikan

OVERCOME : The little thing that will make a change

This is the old post that I always keep on my draft. I will give the original post and maybe give some additional sentences to this post. 

This time, I would like to share about how I overcome my fear, the most unpleasant things on my life is FAILURE. I really hate losing and if someone underestimate me. That kind of people really irritated me that much. But, I think that I really hit the bottom this time, during my 23 years of my life these day is the most unplanned event on my life, I always got everything that I want, and now I couldn't have something that around my expectation. I became really down because of that things, I really envy with someone who got their dream jobs. I really don't know why I couldn't make that, what I really need to gain. Despite of I am being down with everything that I got, I stayed on that plan until now. At least I tried my best to stayed to commit with my words before. I really afraid that I will stayed like that and I don't have a really great FUTURE that I dream of before. But, God let me felt that to overcome myself to be more consider about the little things. I never grateful about a simple things before but God makes me felt like everything must be count on my life. I overcome that with my will to became someone who want to improve myself more. When I really full of myself I never find and acknowledge someone strength (sometime). I was drive my path with my own will power without think about the other, but on now I know that we couldn't live by ourselves. 

I really envy with the other who can reached more than me and they got something that I really want. I tried to compare myself with them and I think that I was better. Instead comparing myself to the other I tried to think that the other is better then me and I need to reach their standard to become someone better then what am I now. I need to acknowledge that everyone has their own speciality that make themselves shine more than the other. 

To overcome that FEAR you need to have a heart to accept everything that would be happen in your life, sometimes that might be hard and you need to decide what you need to do next, you never know about the result but keep going. That what I learnt from what I felt know. Try to knowing yourself more than before and give your private time to yourself to accept who you really are. 

You will felt better than before with that attitude, you'll be more grateful with everything that you have now and you'll think more positive than before.

Sometime everything not going well with your expectation, but keep going, the other doors will be open soon after you develop yourself more, when you just stayed as you are now you'll stuck on the GROUND forever

That's what I wrote as 23 years old of me when struggling to have my job and it was really tiring and stressful.

But, I have a good job after that. I Left that job and I am here today as the last year master student of Biomedical Engineering.

After I looked back and see this post too I realized that this phase will always go to the circles. So, the change of your way of thinking and your heart might be the simplest things you can do now. Hahaha.

Living to the fullest, that what I said to my younger self but in everything we decide in our lives you always need to sacrifice the other things.

Decide your own and you can understand more about yourself and change a bit that make you feel bad about yourself 

Kamis, 06 Februari 2020

Wuhan Corona Virus: Am I need to stay of leave?

Updating about my previous post, my flight was canceled. And I am decided to stay here in China.

So, in this post I will give you the reason why you need to stay and why you need to leave!

I hate when people said that going back home is a selfish and we don't love China. Everyone have their own perspective and I think we need to respect their choice. 

If you are still think about leaving or not, maybe you can check the list below:

1. Do you feel panic and anxiety during this period? If the answer is yes, I suggest you to go. As soon as possible. We don't know what will happen tomorrow and when there is no access anymore that will be harder for you to be in a good condition because your thoughts are toxic now

2. How's you body? The only one who know your body is you, if you are not care with your health, don't want to eat healthy food or consume vitamin. And you know that your body cannot bear that. Leave now! Because this disease might be easier to catch by a person with weak immune system.

3. Do you think you will be able to face this problem if the situation is getting worse? It will be stimulate your brain for a worse case one. If you cannot get through that thoughts that will be hard if that happen for real.

So, please consider yourself before the others. You are the only one who know the best for you. It is not selfish and that's normal. 

For me, 
I told my mom if suddenly I cannot go back next week just pray for me. That's the only thing I told my mom. She insisted to find the ticket back but I said I am OK. And after I am checking myself. It is not bad. I know the situation is really chaos now. I know if there will be a missunderstanding. 

Don't let your emotion come first, 
During this period stay calm and use your brain not your heart. 

It is good to follow your heart, but don't let your emotions make you felt bad about this situation now. 

Senin, 03 Februari 2020

Outbreak Disease: Wuhan Corona Virus

When I looked back to my Facebook I saw that the Zika Virus outbreak also happened during this time. But, that time I only heard and read from the paper.

This time, I am here in China.
Only like 300 km away from Wuhan the first place of the outbreak. is it that bad?
Of course, till now almost 20,000 cases in whole China. Like 300 something in my city alone.
But, if we compared with the number of Chinese citizens, 20k is nothing anyway. So, don't panic!

this disease can be heal by themselves with the note that the people have a good immune system and they know how to treat themselves especially medical personnel

If you do what you should do and obey with all of the rules. I never felt this healthy within my 2.5 years stay here. I took vitamin, I ate a lot of healthy food, and I think I have a really good sleeping pattern lately.

Don't panic! Most of people is really scare with that disease. Sometimes they over react and actually because of the control every day and every time we go out, they are afraid that might be they are not healthy enough because they will take the suspected one to the hospital directly. I think this problem also like a kind of battle of physiological things.

Please respect anyone who decide to stay and the one who decide to leave. We have our own arguments and reasons for that. For me, firstly I don't want to go back. Yeah I am not really care and I can stay in my room for whole day anyway. But, my family said to me that it will be better for me to go back and actually, I also need to renew my passport and the embassy also suggested to do that in Indonesia. And I never meet with my dad after my dad suddenly had a heart disease. After I am thinking about that reason, maybe going back home for a while will be a better choice.
I also don't want to spread the virus. That's why I am trying to do my best to protect myself. Going back to our home country doesn't mean that we don't care about China or we will infected people there if we are going back to our country. You say that we are selfish? What a weird way of thinking. Please respect the other too.

Let me share a case, 
One of my friend is really worry. 
I think by staying in China will make his condition worse, why we need to keep him in China. He might be not sick because of the virus, but he might be sick because of his thoughts. Do you think that will be good for him to stay? In my PERSPECTIVE, I say No. Not only one people felt like that a lot of people might be felt like that too. Even I still can joke about the disease while they cannot do that anymore.

Is it safe to go back from China?
Of course, it's a 50:50.
But, I believe that if you protect yourself and take care of yourself during your stayed in China. You will be okay!