Selasa, 09 Februari 2016


I took that pic when I came back to my House yesterday after I celebrate CNY. Why I use this picture ? 

I want to say that this life look like that your life path maybe stuck, but the other try to used a simple way to go there with that kind of "cheating". In this case I turn back to the alternative way and I can't stand with that traffic so I decide to use another alternative way to Jakarta via Bogor.

But, I heard from my aunt that the normal road is not that bad and the passed quickly from that road. With that case, I learn that if I'm stuck that will be okay to take a way back and use the other way to get your target, maybe that path will be harder because that not the big road, but that will lead you to the same goal, sometime you need to take a longer way to go if you used that alternative way. But, the other thing that I learn is I have a fear that I will find that traffic way once more, so I take a longer route, but in fact that way is okay. That just what I think in my mind.

Today, I have a talk with my friend and that make me feel like empty :( I have graduate since last august (the end of august) I think I officially graduated on September and I have that Graduation ceremony on November. I take a holiday on mid of November and the rest of December. Yeah... some of my friends already have their job, they started working from mon to fri and the other one already decided to move to the other company. I'm still on this path that I still waiting for a job. It didn't means that I didn't try but sometimes the time is not give me a chances. I said that might be not my fate to got that job ^^ But, I have another opportunity. I am not sure but I also feel like that I enjoyed my life, I love my life but I also feel really empty when I heard the other already have a job.

I don't know what I need to do, what is my real dream job, and what is my mission that I need to be in this WORLD what is my life calling ?? I asked that many times in my mind and I know that I always do like whatever that I wanna do, I never asked GOD for the real way for me. I always did everything and after I got that the other thing that make me sad is I always go abroad whatever the company that I want called me T.T I really don't know what is GOD PLAN for me, but I believe that GOD always have a greater plan than my plan. 

So, I think that when you have some question about your life, ask GOD for His GUIDE to LEAD your way, not what you want but what GOD want to happen in your life. Be THANKFUL for everything that happen in your life, sometime that will be tough but everything happen for a reason ^^ I don't know now but I think now I'll ask everything to God first so whatever that I do only for glorify His name, not about me and myself but about GOD ! :)

God Bless YOU, Guys !!

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