Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016


Today, I have a friend from Korea that I know only from email and we never met before and we just make an appointment to met a week ago, we never talk a lot we just say that yeah, ok we will meet later. But, today I felt like we talked a lot yeah a lot to spent like 1/4 day, for a hour ride to the place we had for lunch, then take a walk and use the wrong one, that we decide to go to Mall Taman Anggrek and tried shirayuki and another Indonesian food, because I didn't know that she will left 2 weeks from now and she never tried a lot of things that REALLY INDONESIA.

We had our lunch at Ikan Bakar Cianjur, because sundanese food is not really familiar with her and she likes that, yeah I hope she really enjoy that. we met at Grand Indonesia before and take an uber, but the uber driver took a long way trip, that really have a traffic jam and it takes an hour ride, yeah but I still have a free ride so, I just need to pay 10 000 more to the driver. the restaurant not too crowd because the lunch time already passed and we order some food that quite famous as an sundanese food, yeah. the normal ones but the things that she never tried before. than we walked to trans jakarta station and we took a bus to Harmoni (the station that we want to transit), but we took the wrong bu that directly go to Mall Taman Anggrek, so we decide to visit MTA then. we tried shirayuki and the time just passed by and that already 6 p.m and she need to come back. So, I decide to buy some BATAGOR and PEMPEK for her and her husband for dinner. 

I just really want to her know that Indonesia hava a lot of things that she need to tried before she left and I hope that she will enjoy her holiday in Indonesia.

But, I learn a lot about korean and she also know a lot about Indonesia, she said that Bahasa is cute if she pronounce that with korean dialect, but I think that a lot of similarity between Indonesia culture and Korea culture, so I already decide that I will come to Korea for sure next year, yeah I need to save more to stay for at least a week there T.T and I'll visited there after summer, because she still in US until that time.

It's really nice to know a lot of people, become a SMART people maybe make you have a little friend, but I am not really agree with that because I want to know a lot, I can't have a small world, I have a little of BEST BEST FRIENDS, but for being my FRIENDS, I think that I want to have a lot of them ^^

Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

Part 2 : Daily Life as a Commuter

This month would be really hard for me because I need to change my routine when I can used a feeder train from and to my office to home, but during this fasting month I need to come early and did what I did during my uni days.. yeah sparta !! But, this time made me remind a lot of things and I can told you the really situation using commuter line as my main transportation. yeah I love that fore sure because I have a lot of stories from my daily journey.

So, let me told you about my daily life as a commute !! most of the stories are from on rush hours so the situation might be really really crowed and everyone need to get on to the train because they need to go to their office or need to come home early before the other team from another train come and join them to play HUNGER GAMES. During di fasting month the officer said that the passengers were increase up to 30%, wow !! yeah the normal one already that CRAZY how come another 30% would like to get that chair :") and some of the might be a newbie who never used the train before. you can read my post about newbie on the commuter line on this link :

1. You can't be PRETTY enough before you arrived at your destination 

That's really true !! I'll explain why and I will told you about my experience when I prepare a lot did my hair do and put some make up, everything were gone when I arrived on my destination. #lol the sweat and some action that another passenger did to me made all of my works gone :( 

Life in Jakarta is though girls !! Esp on the train for woman (only) yeah you need to underline that only because everyone who come to the only woman side if there are not a woman they will accepted a boo from almost the whole train.

2. Keep Calm & SPARTA mode ON
I think everyone who used commuter line have their own SPARTA mentality to get in and get out from the train. Sometimes you need to get out when another 30 passengers wait to get in and your train come and you need to wait for at least 15 minutes for the next train :( that quite hard to describe that with the words.
Sometimes, the other passengers help you to get in by pushing or pulling you. That would be really like a fight and the supporter support you from behind and make you want to get in more than give up ~ that just what I think. We never talk before, maybe we met but like no one care. That I called as commuter line friendship.

3. They said that will be easier to get an enemy than a friend. Yeah that might be true especially as a commuters ~~ 
I told you before but I already mention as some newbie who like to shout too. so I think that sentence was true. We have a friend that we don't know and also a lot of enemy that really only think about themselves and always be the center of everything. The things that I used to use a normal train which can be used both by female and male, sometimes the male wouldn't have the seat for the woman who stand and they might be get out on the next station T.T I am as a woman also think that if I only need to wait for one or two station I always gave my seat to the one who I think more need that me, but I never gave that to the one who step on my foot when I sit and she was standing in front of me T.T zzzz. 

4. The most effective method to train to be PATIENCE 
they said that practice makes perfect, SURE that might be really TRUE that to become a patience people you need to meet with someone that make you not patience enough to speak with them. First time I really upset to the other passengers that always talks and always upset to the others, but now days I think everything is really nothing. yeah you can be more patience if you heard something like that everyday ~

5. The law of JUNGLE is exist.
when the people did something to you sometimes you did the same to them, yeah most of them did something like that. the accident might be not on purpose, but i don't know but I felt like I am satisfied when they did like that and I did the same things, but not every time I did that.

6. SMELL ? sometimes the smell of the passengers are quite unique.
a bunch of people, used a different kind of a perfumes. when the air con is not working that well the sweat from the passengers are messed up and the smell is really bad sometimes. the air con also gave us a hot air not a cold air as well. yeah that really messed and make me want to angry ! and the signal to enter the next station were stop for 30 mins T.T wow....

7. PRIORITY SEAT doesn't means that you can do everything that you want.
yeah the priority seats might be in the end on every train, but the other seats also the priority when the needed one is need to seat, but sometimes the priority seats become something that they used as they want, like sleeping but lay down at the whole seat, and the child didn't want to sit, but the parents want that, so the child might be disturb the other because they were jumping at the seats.

Stand up didn't means that you can't sleep on the train, yeah if the train is really packed, nothing is impossible in the train. you can sleep while you are standing and you wont falling ~ lol

P.S : sorry for my late update but I hope you like it ^^

Edisi Khusus : Kereta Khusus Wanita

Hello !!

Sudah sangat lama sekali, mungkin sudah sebulan karena kesibukan yang cukup sibuk beberapa minggu lalu ditambah dengan libur dan lain lainnya juga ~ akhirnya walaupun sudah di edit dan tinggal di finishing saja dengan men-translate ulang akhirnya pun terbengkalai

tapi hari ini mendapatkan inspirasi, nah makanya supaya ga lupa akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menuliskan tentang ini, yeah kali ini edisi khusus yaitu kereta khusus wanita aka KKW kata comutters.^^ sehari-hari sebaga seorang wanita saya lebih prefer untuk ada di KKW karena mungkin kalo desek"an dan dorong-dorongan sparta walaupun memang sebenernya KKW itu lebih menyeramkan dibandingkan dengan gerbong campuran. tapi KKW itu emang SPESIAL sih karena semuanya wanita, hal ini juga dapat terjadi di gerbong campuran, tapi ini merupakan hal yang dapat saya amati selama beberapa  hari ini, karena setelah lebaran ga tidak tidur di kereta akhirnya memutuskan untuk maen game sekalian dengan mengamati sekitar, dengan melihat gaya berpakaian dan juga mungkin sedikit omongan mereka juga sih. ga nguping sih tapi yah kedengeran lah, biasanya saya selalu pasang ear phone dan akhirnya ga peduli dengan sekitar, tapi seminggu ini saya mengambil bahwa mengamati sekitar itu akan membuat seseorang menyadari sesuatu setidaknya sesuatu yang terlihat oleh mata. berikut list yang bisa saya jabarkan.

1. JARANG SEKALI melihat pengguna KKW yang cantik-cantik gimana gitu.
mungkin karena nanti di kantor baru tukeran & dandan kali yah, biasanya yah gitu aja pake baju yah seliweran aja, terus juga ga kaya gimana padahal kalo turun di daerah perkantoran, pakenya sendal jepit, sendal gunung (entah kenapa memilih itu), sendal teplek, crocs entah ori ato kw, dkknya. 
Setelah itu biasanya jenis tas yang digunakan juga beragam, tai lebih banyak yang menggunakan ransel dengan rantang makanannya, dan kalo berdiri selalu ditaro di atas, dan ketika kereta sering bermain kebut berhenti barang itu ada yang jatuh juga, dan kadang kena yang lagi tidur duduk di bawah dan sepertinya berat.

2. GIRLS TALKS untuk hampir seluruh isi GERBONG
yeah mungkin karena suaranya yang ber volume cukup besar sehingga jika keretanya masih sepi yang speaknya mau tidur sih tapi sepanjang jalan tetep aja bawel cerita, mulai dari masak di rumah, tetangga yang diusir, hewan peliharaan, tempat makan deket stasiun yang enak, pokoknya macem-macem deh. kalo maen game bahkan tips n trick maen game. 
kebanyakan yang ngobrol itu sih sepertinya umurnya diatas 30 tahun karena omongannya sudah lebih berat, tapi jadi bisa belajar lah. hahaha. kalo anak ababil biasanya ributnya ga penting terus haha hihi ga jelas juga, itu lebih annoying sih karena isinya yah gitu-gitu aja, mungkin karena saya sudah melewati masa itu. hahaha

Pembicaraan biasanya dimulai karena adanya kesamaan terhadap sesuatu misalkan kesamaan nasib ato kesamaan tempat naik atau turun, nah biasanya akhirnya jadi tempat usaha deh jualan ini jualan itu, kalo bagus merembet ke tempat yang lain juga, lumayan lah bukan hanya omongan kosong (Notes : ini bukti nyata dari melihat mama saya dan teman teman keretanya) hahah.

YAH... ITU SANGAT RELATIF, walaupun sudah penuh tapi di tengah masih kosong untuk KKW itu masih menandakan bahwa kereta tersebut SEPI, asalkan muka belum menempel di pintu dan masih ada celah yang masih dapat diselipkan, baik ukuran badan tidak menjamin yang kecil tidak bisa masuk yang lebih besar malah bisa, jadi itu agak relatif yah. bisanya perkataan sepi itu dikeluarkan untuk yang tiap hari naik kereta sebagai alat transportasinya

5. Sharing cost jika kereta masalah
Biasanya jika kereta itu masalah yah, mereka akan mencari alternatif lai, biar murah mau kenal ga kenal nanya aja yang searah, biasanya kaum laki-laki belum tentu melakukan hal tersebut sih. atau jika misalkan tidak naik kendaraan spt taxi biasanya convoy buat cari kendaraan umum dan berbagi informasi, rute yang dapat digunakan yang mana dengan membandingkan kecepatan waktu, biasanya hal tersebut berdasarkan pengalaman mereka, termasuk dengan jam-jam khusus yang rawan macet.

6. SALING info kereta posisi dimana maupun masalah ga.
yah, tali pertemanan antara ROKER memang cukup kuat, jadi biasanya tanpa pemberitahuan dari petugas pun para ibu-ibu itu bisa tau ada apa, kira-kira kenapa, mungkin bisa juga karena group pada jalur masing-masing juga sih. tapi canggih aja, infonya juga cepat dan update, kadang bisa janjian juga turun dimana buat makan dulu, terus baru pulang.

saya sangat sering menemukan hal ini terutama dengan yang sekelompok ibu-ibu, biasanya ada yang telat dateng, tapi yang satunya sudah duduk, biasanya jika sudah setengah jalan mereka tukeran posisi jadi temennya juga tetep duduk deh.

Sejauh ini sih selama 1 minggu hanya dapat saya rangkum menjadi seperti itu, biasanya rumpian ibu itu bisa di dengar kalo keretanya naik feeder yang berarti lebih sepi, dan biasanya pada jam berangkat atau pulang kerja di sekitar jejeran ibu-ibu se-geng. sedangkan kalo anak ababil dapat ditemukan ditengah hari ataupun pada saat agak sore namun tidak telalu malam. SEKIAN

Notes :
untuk updatean dengan bahasa inggris akan disesuaikan kembali, karena butuh mikir dulu nulisanya karena kadang kalo ada inspirasi baru agak diubah sehingga agak berbeda juga, kalo bahasa indonesia mah gampang tiap hari dipake jadinya yah langsung bisa diketik. walaupun mungkin bahasanya juga ga terlalu rapi sih.

Thanks for reading ^^