Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Part 1 : Commuter Line NEWBIE

This time I would like to share about my experience as a newbie and what I know and heard about a NEW newbie ~ I was a newbie for a year 5 years ago, but now I think I was a beginner and I am not that expert as a women who can said their mind to another passengers. I never did that before, might me someday I'll do that (*who knows).

When I was a first timer, my mom told me to used a train (we called that before the commuter line name was appeared) and I never did that by myself. I used to saw the other like what they did or how to get in to the train when I thought that I can't get in anymore, and what I need to do when I was in the train. yeah, 5 years ago the train wasn't crowded like NOW !! yeah. I can sat on the floor or most of the passengers used to bring their own portable chair ^^ you won't see that anymore but the announcer still told us to not bring that portable chair and sat on the floor but I think no one would do that anymore if they want to SURVIVE. I used to have a round of route to have a seat and I am not that brave to used that station if I want to go back to my home. But, times flies and I need to sleep well and rest well. So, I brave myself to did that and I am adapted with that condition now. That stories sound really scary for the one who never used this transportation, but if you used to and need to used tat I think that will be a habit to did that.

We called someone who used to travel with commuter line (CL) as an ANGKER aka Anak Kereta (literally means that child of the train), from someone who we didn't know till the one look familiar for us because we used the same train everyday. I brave myself to used that because I met with a really good angker who help me and we never know each other but they still help me out. when the door was open what we need to think is how to get out or how to get in with SPARTA mind set. #lol

I always told myself that everything will be okay, I need to wait, yeah I need to be more patient to live my daily life with commuter line, yeah that what I thought as a NEWBIE but now I saw a lot of people who didn't used commuter line complain A LOT about that. yeah sometime I did that before when I think someone push me from the back, I know that feeling but I NEVER got ANGRY and made some trouble because of that. The one that I know now that the TRUE commuter liners is tough !! #lol

This are a different type of NEWBIE that I saw, let's check that out.

1. The one who scare to the crowd and didn't believe that the train would have enough space for them, but most of them didn't say that in a good way, they just complain and told the other that they didn't have an enough space for them. Yeah this is the LIFE of commuter liners guys !! most of them are a ladies because I used to ride a woman train. They pushed the other too because they think that they paid for that !! EVERYONE ALSO PAID for that !! as long as you can stand and have enough oxygen that might be that the train can take more passengers. Sometime you can't touch the floor if the space is not enough.

2. The one who think that they are the one who pay more, but ALL OF US PAID for that too and I think the price is too low, I prefer to paid more to have a better facility. Sometimes, the train feels like a roller coaster and they stop in a place that have a slope that will made the passenger will push the one who in front of them unintentionally. But, the newbie think that everyone need to hold their self and the one behind them, if that might be only one person that might be okay, but if a bunch of person I think if I stay still like that I might be the one who can't stand properly and I will be the one who will be hurt. But, this kind of newbie can't accept that and always angry to us T.T what the ..... !! I didn't know what they think.

3. THIS ONE is the most common who might be a newbie or the one who really selfish. They stand still in the FRONT of the door but they didn't get out in the next station !! a lot of people want to get in and also want to get out. This kind of passenger really annoyed me because sometimes they talked back to us who want to get in or out and said a BAD WORDS !! she was the one who make a mistake I think, why I am the one that take the blame !! 

So, Dear Commuter Line Passengers,

Please be kind and think about the others too, you're not only the one who used and paid for that. If you don't want to be on that crowd please choose another choice of transportation, that might be more expensive but no one will push you back. when you have a seat and meet with the one who needed please give that to that passengers, I know that to get that seat might be tough but if you gave that you also will get another seat if someone have a heart especially in the mixed train. yeah, in woman train everyone only think about them and sometimes if you get a seat and someone give you a seat you never be thankful about that too. That might be the reason why most of women train won't gave their seat. If you want to have a seat and have a nice view (which means that you didn't need to saw a bunch of people) you can take a feeder train or you go to the previous train before your station. IF YOU just wait on your station you need to wait longer than that.

For my next update I'll give you some tips and give you an overview about what is LIFE on Commuter Line ^^

you can check my Bahasa update on that might be more realistic stories than this one ^^ see ya !!

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Bab 1 : Newbie Commuter Line

Saat pertama kali naik Kereta itu adalah saat" dimana kita menjadi newbie dan celingak celinguk ngeliatin yang laen buat naik dan turunnya kan. Yeah, 5 tahun lalu Kereta tidak spt sekarang dulu saya masih Belajar bawa Koran buat duduk di lantai terus masih banyak orang bawa kursi lipat dan teknik melipat canggih. Ga berani naik dari sudirman karena udh kaya Sparta naik aja butuh perjuangan.

Tapi seiring dengan perjalanan yang di tempuh dan masa masa kuliah yang melelahkan bertemu dengan sesama angker (anak Kereta) akhirnya mulai deh naik Kereta Sparta itu. Hahaha

Dari awalnya yang masih aduh ga masuk nanti aja, terus di dalem pas kegencet masih bilang aw, ato ga pas udh di dalem Kereta terus Kereta di tahan masih ngeluh". Iyalah namanya juga newbie. Hahaha

Tapi sekarang yah ikutin aja kemana arus itu berjalan dan angker sejati itu tidak mengeluh.

Berikut ciri-ciri newbie di gerbong khusus wanita yang banyak saya temui sekarang ini :

1. Pas masuk masih takut" tapi kalo ga masuk marah" dikasih masuk ke gencet juga marah-marah kaya "aduh apa sih dorong dorong" ato ga pas udh d dalem bilang "udah ga muat ini"

Selama kaki anda belum jinjit dan masih menapak di lantai tandanya masih ada space kosong kok tenang aja jd itu pasti muat. Hahaha.

2. Di dalem Kereta ketika Kereta berjalan spt roller coaster kadang-kadang ga sengaja kesenggol lah itu kepala ato tangannya. Begini lah responnya "aduh jangan nyenggol-nyenggol dong", "sakit tau", "aw" terus dengan mata sinis ngeliatin siapa yang nyenggol-nyenggol

Slow aja kali mbak smua orang pernah merasakan itu bhkan mungkin lebih parah

3. Yang paling ngeselin adalah ketika tau Kereta penuh harga tiket murah trus ada yg ngomong "aduh sempit tau" yah smua org juga tau sempit,  klo ga mau sempit naik lah kendaraan lain yah mbak.

Beberapa kali saya menemukan di Kereta itu biasanya mbak-mbak spt itu dengan ibu-ibu di sebelahnya yang sptnya sdh bertahun-tahun naik Kereta

4. Saat mau mencari tempat bertahan dr serangan dr penumpang masuk dan keluar mereka tidak mau berpindah dari tempatnya sehingga sering kali mengganggu lalu lintas penumpang naik dan turun

5. Ato ga salah posisi sehingga susah untuk keluar, abis itu marah-marah karena ga bisa keluar atau sebaliknya, baru saja saya temukan kemarin yang bener-bener saya inget kata-katanya 

"aduh jangan dorong-dorong dong" - dalam hati saya udah tau yang mau keluar banyak masih ngalangin pas depan pintu, lah salah siapa

terus ibu-ibu belakangnya ngomong "sabar mbak semua juga mau keluar dan masuk ga usah ngomel-ngomel" tapi si mbak masih aja ngomel "tapi kan saya di dorong" terus ibu itu jawab lagi "ya udah sabar aja yah mbak" terus mbaknya masih marah tapi saya sudah berlalu sambil si ibu belakang yang sabar itu nepuk nepukin pundak si mbak.

Dear Penumpang Commuter Line,

jika anda memang belum berpengalaman dan tidak bisa bertenggang rasa baik mau naik maupun turun mohonlah untuk tidak di depan pintu, jika anda tidak mau desek"an naiklah kereta yang lebih pagi atau malam ketika kereta memang dalam keadaan lebih kosong, mau duduk naiklah kereta balik, toh banyak pilihan kalo anda mau nyaman, yah salah anda kalo mau desek-desekan jadi kalo di desek jangan ngoceh-ngoceh karena itu hakekatnya yah mbak (soalnya yang biasa begini mbak-mbak) ^^ bersabarlah dan bertoleransilah toh kita sama-sama bayar dan harganya murah kan janganlah berekspektasi terlalu besar :)

Selasa, 10 Mei 2016

Introduction : The Stories of Commuter Line

Hello, It's been a week after I posted my Bahasa Update with the same title that you can access from this link

I would like to tell you about my first stories using that commuter line that I will write as CL for the next stories that I'll tell later. I used to take a special train, we called that as a train for a woman, yeah that carriage is special for a woman, I think that start on 2012.

2011 - The FIRST time I said YES to TRAIN
yeah, I told my mom that I won't used TRAIN to go to my campus, but during that time I felt to tired because I need to wait too long to got a train and too crowded. I used to went to Jakarta Kota station first so I can got a seat. at lease I need to have an hour journey from Kota to my nearest station. 
I went to my campus with a direct train from BEKASI to Tanah Abang, but that only once in the morning and once in the evening. So, I didn't want to take a risk and I can't stand with that kind of treatment that they did to me T.T I hate to fight only because I need to be on that train for sure that time. Sometimes, I need to used an economic train which means that without air conditioner, and sometime you can saw a chicken or a goat came out from that train. I was really shock that time, the ticket price was really cheap and sometimes they didn't have a ticket which means that they used that train for FREE and they sat on the roof of the train T.T that one also make me amazed how can they stayed on that top of the train when the train went that fast.

Mid 2011, I think the direct train to Tanah Abang need to make a turn that really far, so I need to transit first and take another train, yeah I need to did that for sure, because  think I can sleep longer and I can arrived faster with the train, but sometimes I asked my dad to accompany me to my campus. Times fly really fast and in the end of 2011 I think they reduced the ECONOMIC TRAIN and they change most of them to CL, the price is too high I think if everyone from that ECONOMIC train to used CL. 

Economic : IDR 1 500
CL : IDR 6 500

4 times from the normal cost that they need to paid and the train wasn't that crowed as the economic one, but ......

2012-2013, PT. KAI change everything.  
They provide everything and I think the passengers also felt that train is really help them to mobilized because if they used another transportation that might be need more time and JAKARTA TRAFFIC were really BAD but now that worst than before

So, the passengers were increase and I think I already adapt with that kind of TRAIN SITUATION that made me felt okay that time, I also not really remember about that because I think most of 2013 I stayed at a dorm so, I used to used that train once a week and I can decide which train that not so crowded.

(to be continued....)
Because I need to work tomorrow so I need to postpone this writing, I really want to write a lot this time, that's why this version might be longer than the BAHASA ones.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Introduction : Kisah Commuter Line

Hello setelah saya bikin prolog minggu lalu, kali ini saya akan mengupdate tentang pengenalan terlebih dahulu mengenai commuter line dan Kereta khusus wanita.

Saat pertama kali saya menggunakan jasa angkutan Kereta Api ini msh belum banyak commuter line, tp enaknya pada waktu itu ada Kereta langsung yg ke sudirman

Sayangnya kalo sdh beli tiket wlpn beli commuter line klo pake yg ekonomi tdk bsa di kembalikan uangnya. Jd ya udh relain aja yg penting sampe. Yang paling utama adl ga telat kuliah dan sampe rumah dengan cepat

2012 - 2013
Sepertinya sih waktu itu Kereta ekonomi mulai dikurangi dan akhirnya di hilangkan yg ini sih saya tdk mengingat terlalu jelas sejujurnya. Hahaha

Mulai pake kartu multi trip dan masih yg mesti beli, tapi wktu itu juga ada yg harian. Tp akhirnya pas harian itu bnyak yg ilang jadilah harus ada jaminannya awalnya sih 5000 tp skrg kyaknya 10 000 deh.

Saya hanya merasakan setegah tahun dengan CL, pertama harganya makin murah, Kereta makin penuh, dan makin aman sih pastinya soalnya sptnya lebih teratur emang.

Bertambahnya gerbong sangat membantu apalagi pada jam padat, 8 gerbong itu terlalu menyiksa wlpn masih ada aja yg 8 gerbong. Kirain cuma feeder aja yg 8 gerbong tp ternyata ada yg dr Kota juga, bhkan feeder ada yg 12 rangkaian

Selain itu stadiun juga menjadi lebih bagus dan rapi. Pokoknya sudah sangat lebih baik sih cuma yah makin banyaknya Kereta makin banyak antrian makin parah kalo ada gangguan. Hahaha

Emang selalu ada plus minusnya sih

Dari tahun ke tahun terlihat lebih baik dan teratur wlpn yah yg jarang naik atau ga pernah kdang ngeselin juga apalagi yg suka ambil tempat duduk yg gede gede gitu, bayarnya sama tp kelakuannya kaya bayar lebih mahal aja. Hahaha

Tinggu curhatan lainnya yah ttg Kereta dari saya selanjutnya